Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Halfway to a Year


Some highlights from the last six months:

*Javi smiling at me for the first time on Christmas Eve

*Traveling to Florida, New Jersey, Canada and New York City with an infant.

*Marveling at the beautiful blue eyes our baby has. 

*Watching how much Javi loves his daddy. He wakes himself up every morning just to see Lover before he goes to work. 

*All the little sounds and noises he makes, and how he cracks himself up with them.

*People's reaction when they ask how old he is... some variation of "he's so... healthy!" because of his size.

*His open mouthed, slobbery "kisses", offered to any girl he finds pretty. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bear and Chair

 The first gift that we received when we found out we were having a baby was from my brother and sister in law. They gave us a tiny wooden rocking chair with a toddler sized teddy bear all decked out in a bib and a giant bow. It was awesome! Here's a pic that I pilfered from Steph's facebook page where she was working on the chair. 

Cant wait until Javi is big enough to discover this chair and sit in it all by himself! 

I knew I wanted to do monthly pictures of Javi after he was born, and I decided that taking a picture of him next to the bear would be a fun way to see how big and fast he would grow. So I got his first one at one week old, cuddled up next to the big old bear. 

Isn't he precious? I love how sweet and tiny he was, and how he is totally dwarfed by the big ol' bear. Cutie patootie.