Take down, sort through and put away Christmas decorations. Yay!
Decorate for winter. Yay! I showed you the winter wonderland mantel, and I also put a few do-dads on the piano, and above the dresser. Here's the piano.
Finish purging the house for 111 Things in 1/11. Yay! Wasn't it so much fun purging the house? :-) Here's my big ole box of things ready to go to Goodwill. I am still finding things, so I may add to it a little before it leaves the house.
Read the Lost Symbol and Treasure Island. I finished both. Yay! The Lost Symbol was excellent until the last 50 pages. Then it was total crud. But I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the masons and Washington DC. Treasure Island was fun, although I kept picturing each character as their Muppet character. Which was only slightly distracting. :-)
Refinish the little Frenchy table. I started this project, but purposed not to rush it, so that I would do a really good job. Every time I start to refinish something, I get bored or annoyed half way through and it doesn't look as good as it could. So I am cutting myself some slack. Here's a progress shot.
Make it to the gym 2-3 times a week. Yay for me!
Sew something. FAIL! :-) But, I am getting together with a friend TOMORROW to sew. So I don't feel terrible about this. :-)
Do the appropriate paperwork for my business end of year documents. Not done yet. I've been hard at work on them, it's just taking longer than expected than I wanted it to.
Finish up the new design for my photography website. FAIL. He he. Hopefully next month will be better.
Give my best time, energy and love to Lover. Yay! We had a great month.
So all in all, it was a pretty productive month. Let's see how I do in February!